Flamingo coloring page

A tall pink bird with open beak stands in shallow water, its wings and webbed feet spread out.
This tall and majestic pink bird stands in a serene pond, its long neck gracefully arched downwards. Its beak, slightly open and ready to take in all of its surroundings, is a deep coral hue, while its wings are outstretched, fanning out and perfectly framed by the shallow water surrounding it. Its webbed feet grip the shoreline, poised to take flight. To bring this image to life, I would recommend bright, yet delicate pinks and corals to bring vibrancy to the bird and its beak, while deeper blues and greens add a touch of shadow and mystery to the waters. Finally, a muted white, gray, and brown for the feet and wings would provide contrast to the palette and bring a sense of realism to the scene.