Super Cat coloring page

Cat wearing a red cape and black mask stands on its hind legs with paws in air and ribbon around neck, against cityscape backdrop.
This coloring page features a bold, striking black and white cat with a red cape and a black mask. The cat is standing on its hind legs, its front paws raised in the air, and it has a large and impressive black and white ribbon tied around its neck. The background is a cityscape with tall buildings. To color this page, I would choose a vibrant, contrasting color scheme to make the cat stand out in the scene. I would use warm, red tones for its cape, a pop of yellow for the ribbon, and various shades of blues, greys, and whites to bring out the buildings in the background. These colors will create a striking contrast between the well-defined shapes of the buildings, the interesting details of the cape and ribbon, and the strong lines made by the cat's fur.