Adrian Agrest coloring page

Boy & girl in masks stand in alleyway, looking up. Girl is on fire escape, smiling with hand on hip.
A mysterious and thrilling scene is depicted in the coloring page. A black-haired boy wearing a black hoodie and red mask stands in the shadows of an alleyway. His gaze is directed up towards a girl in a red hoodie and matching mask. She stands atop a fire escape, her hand resting casually on her hip. Her eyes are wide in surprise and her expression is one of excitement. To portray the intensity of this moment, I recommend a color palette of deep blues, reds and blacks. The boy can be shaded with a deep navy blue and the girl in a vibrant red. Fill in the fire escape and alleyway in various shades of grey, and render a touch of softness to the boy's mask in a gentle pink glow. For further details and definition, add touches of white and highlights with a silver glint, either on the girl's mask or her eyes. As this is an urban landscape, a muted black and grey paint job would provide a striking contrast, allowing the two figures to stand out in vivid detail.