Tuba and flute coloring page

Two musicians playing instruments in black clothes: a tuba and a flute. Coloring page for fun.
This coloring page depicts two musicians enjoying the beauty of music. The tuba player is wearing a black vest and a bow tie, with a light-colored (perhaps cream-colored) shirt underneath. He is seated on a chair with the tuba resting firmly on his lap. The flutist is standing beside him, also wearing black but with a bright yellow scarf around her neck. She is playing her flute with a look of pure joy on her face. To bring this scene alive, I would recommend adding vibrant colors such as emerald green, royal blue, and deep red. Hints of lighter colors like lemon yellow and sky blue can also make things more interesting. The delicate movements of the musicians can come to life with strokes of gold, cream, and light brown to add more realism. With a little bit of creativity, the picture can be filled with beautiful music that reaches the heart!