Dulcimer coloring page

A dulcimer is a musical instrument with a simple design, few strings and gentle sounds, used in folk music.
This coloring page depicts a dulcimer, a type of string instrument. Its rectangular body has a distinctive design, with a few strings stretched across the top. The shape of the dulcimer is quite simple, giving it a peaceful and tranquil vibe. The gentle and mellow tones of this instrument make it a popular choice for folk music. To make the image really come alive, I would choose softer and more muted tones. Colors such as blues and browns would give the instrument a calm, earthy feel. The strings could be painted a light yellow for a relaxed and airy effect, and details such as the holes and edges could be given an extra pop of color with shades of pink and grey. Overall, the use of pastel colors would help to emphasize the dulcimer’s peaceful qualities.