Guitar coloring page

Man playing guitar on a stool, with large beard, brown hat, blue shirt, and guitar pick in right hand. #musician
This coloring page features a man playing the guitar. He is sitting on a stool, his instrument held close to his body, and he looks quite comfortable in his blue shirt and brown hat. His large beard is a warm contrast to his pale skin, and he is concentrated in his music, holding a guitar pick in his right hand. To color this image, I suggest using lighter colors - though brown and blue will be the base of the image, pastels can be used to highlight the man's expression. The guitar can be made a light orange-brown, with black details - the strings and the pick. The stool can either be painted in a mahogany brown or be made light and tinted with a yellow hue. The man's hat and shirt can be shaded with light blue and beige, respectively. Lastly, highlight the man's beard with different shades of beige.