The mountains coloring page

Tall & big mountains with snow & trees, pointy & majestic.
The mountains in this coloring page have a beautiful and majestic beauty to them. They can be seen towering in the sky with their pointed peaks and snow-covered slopes giving a grand feel to the image. This elaborate and tall mountain ranges is filled with towering pine trees that add to the page's picturesque charm. To get the most out of the effect of the mountains and trees, I suggest that you choose varying shades of blues and purples to illustrate the serene sky. Add in some bright white and light grays to suggest the height and depth of the mountains, mountains and trees covered in light snow. Make sure the sky around the mountaintops are kept light and vibrant, featuring both blue and pink hues to give it more of a whimsical feel. Finally, to add life to the trees, add gentle hints of green throughout the landscape.