Mountain landscape coloring page

A majestic mountain range standing in the distance, its peaks hidden in clouds, surrounded by a foggy sea and a vibrant, flower-filled valley. A serene, peaceful sight.
The picturesque mountain range creates a stunning backdrop that is rivaled only by the expanse of fog that stretches outwards like a warm embrace. At its base, a meandering river glides through a lush landscape of verdant green and vibrant wildflowers of every color. This gorgeous scene is filled with a serene and tranquil beauty that invites the viewer to marvel at its grandeur. To bring out the beauty of this majestic décor, I suggest using soft shades of blue, purple, and green in the distant mountains and fog. A few hints of yellow and pink in the flowers can add a pleasant layer of texture. To bring out the vibrancy of the valley, shades of green and yellow could be used sparingly. A bright splash of orange in the grassy areas completes the look. Whether you choose to use warm or cool colors, this incredible landscape will be an eye-catching piece of art that you can proudly display.