Hulk coloring page

Hulk stands strong, green & muscular with purple shorts, black belt & black hair, ready for action with his angry look. #Avengers
The vibrant green LEGO Hulk stands proudly in the center of the page, his strong muscles flexing and a scowl on his face. He is wearing purple shorts cinched with a black belt, and his hands and feet are also a matching shade of green. A head of black hair completes the figure, making him look even more dynamic. When coloring this page, it's important to use bold and vibrant shades for the green parts of the Hulk to make him come alive. The shorts could be colored a lovely purple, and any brown or black used for the belt and hair could feature some highlights or shadows. If desired, you could even use some yellow to add a splash of color to the bright green LEGO Hulk. Have fun exploring with the colors and textures to bring this happy figure to life!