Super woman coloring page

Superwoman flying with red cape, blue suit and yellow logo, dark brown hair pulled back in a bun.
The sky is a deep and vibrant blue, and Superwoman soars through it gracefully with her red cape billowing behind her. Her super-suit, a fitted light blue with the iconic yellow Superman logo emblazoned over her chest, fits her shape perfectly. Her dark brown hair pulled back into a bun emphasizes her determined expression. This coloring page is filled with opportunity to use vivid colors and contrasting shades to bring life to the portrait. The red cape could be made a deep crimson or a vibrant, cheerful fuchsia. The blue of Superwoman's suit could be further enriched with shadows in gray and navy blue. For the yellow of the logo, a bright lemon could be used, with more muted tones for added texture. The sky would be perfect for experimenting with different shades of blue, from light and wispy to bold and dark. And don't forget a touch of highlight yellow to accentuate Superwoman's proud expression!