Easter eggs coloring page

Four Easter eggs in coloring page: 2 yellow (bunny & hatching chick) & 2 blue (basket of eggs & lamb in flowers). #EasterColoring
This coloring page has four Easter eggs with two in yellow and two in blue. On the yellow eggs, there is a bunny rabbit in mid-hop on one and a chick hatching out of an egg on the other. The blue eggs have a basket of Easter eggs on one of them and a lamb in a field of flowers on the other. When coloring this page, you could use warm tones to fill in the yellow eggs, like yellow, orange and red. On the blue eggs, you could use different shades of blue or even greens like mint or olive. Be sure to add in details such as grass and the fur of the bunny and lamb. For the flowers, you can use bright and cheerful hues like pink, purple and yellow. You can also add white accents to the eggs and around the animals. Have fun and be creative with your coloring!