Pair of unicorns coloring page

Two unicorns, entwined and eyes closed, surrounded by a pattern of stars and flowers. #magical
This magical coloring page features two beautiful unicorns, one light blue and one light purple, intertwined in an affectionate embrace. Their eyes are closed, and around them a pattern of tiny stars and flowers spirals out from their connection. To bring out the vibrancy of this scene, I would color the unicorns and the surrounding stars and flowers in bright, cheerful hues. Perhaps the light blue unicorn could be in a light sky blue, and the light purple one in a deep orchid. For the swirling motifs, I would choose vibrant pink and light yellow, and then add in some sparkling silver and gold accents. That, along with the dreamy and peaceful aura of the two unicorns, would create a captivating scene indeed!