Fox coloring page

Two foxes stand, looking at one another - orange and white with bushy tails and pointy ears.
In the Fox coloring page, two mischievous-looking foxes stand upright facing each other. The foxes feature large tails and pointed ears, and they are made up of two colors -- a vibrant orange and bright white. To give the image a bit of realism, you can use a darker shade of orange around their eyes and nose and even twilight blue colors in the shadows of their fur. You can draw a crosshatch pattern on the tails and pattern their fur, possibly a checkered one. Accentuate further details by outlining, such as around their eyes, mouth, and feet. For a sharper image, you could use some beige to outline the entire image of both foxes. To add more depth, you can color the background with a solid green, use gradients of blues and purples for a calm atmosphere, or even use a light yellow for a warm feeling. Have fun and add colors of your choice to make your Fox coloring page one of a kind!