Africa coloring page

Young women dance in a colorful circle, linking arms in a mesmerizing trance. Richly pigmented skin & colorful dress & headscarves in deep-blue background w/ gold & white patterns.
The scene is an enchanting one; the group of young women dancing in a circle, their arms linked and eyes closed, is framed by an entrancing background of deep blues and mesmerising golds and whites. The women themselves are wearing vibrant colours, their skin a deep and beautiful hue. The air holds a sense of tranquillity and rhythm, a moment of unity shared between friends. If I were to colour this image, I would choose to stay true to the original colour pallet, the blues and golds and whites lending a magical, dream-like quality to the page. I would also opt to use darker shades, to give the image a sense of depth, and to create contrast between the darker hues of the women's skin and the rest of the page. Finally, I would add some sparkle to the golds and whites, so that even upon a second glance, the swirling patterns continue to draw the eye.