Mahjong coloring page

Two peaceful owls, one with flower pattern and one with geometric pattern, surround this coloring page. #owls #coloring #patterns
This coloring page is a fun scene of two wise old owls, surrounded by unique and intricate patterns. The first owl is perched in the center of a lush flower pattern, radiating outward in a beautiful circular design. While the second owl sits in the center of an abstract and geometric pattern, composed of different shapes, lines, and colors. Whatever colors you choose, this page will surely bring some peace and tranquility to your world. To further enhance the scene, feel free to color the backgrounds of the designs with one color, and then make the patterns become more vibrant in different hues. The owls can be colored with neutral tones such as grey, brown, or white, allowing the focus to be on their unique surroundings. Don't forget to add some details such as a sparkling eye for each owl, which provides an extra sense of personality and enchantment. Have fun coloring this page and let your imagination run wild!