Pharmacy coloring page

Two content owls sitting atop books & mortar/pestle with closed eyes. Soft gradient of blue makes for a calming atmosphere.
This tranquil coloring page features two owls, both of whom appear to be in a state of contentment. One of the owls is perched atop a pile of books, its eyes closed and wings by its side. The other owl is settled atop a mortar and pestle, surrounded by a soft light blue wash of color. Its eyes too are shut, and both birds seem to be savoring the peace of their surroundings. For this page, I would suggest using light, muted colors to bring out the feeling of serenity, as well as utilizing sweeping brushstrokes for an ethereal atmosphere. Consider shades of blue, lilac, and cream to start and use shades of white and yellow to add highlights. Add detail with dark grey, black and brown lines for an understated but elegant finish.