totem coloring page

Two owls, different sizes, staring off. Perched on a branch, swirls & patterns in background. Eyes bright & beaks small.
The two owls in this coloring page are perched atop a branch, looking off into the distance. The smaller owl is on the left, and the larger one is on the right. Their eyes are wide, bright and full of curiosity, and their small beaks add character to the picture. The background is filled with swirls and patterns, giving the scene more depth. To really bring out the fun and whimsical nature of the illustration, I recommend using bright and cheerful colors for the owls and warm tones for the background. To make the details stand out, outlining the owls and the leaves with a darker color would be a great way of finishing the page. All in all, this will make for a truly enjoyable coloring experience!