Owl on a branch coloring page

Owl perched on a branch looking off into the distance with large round eyes and prominent beak, light-colored feathers and spread out wings. #coloringpage
This coloring page depicts an owl perched atop a thick branch. The owl's eyes are large, round and unblinking, with a sharp-looking beak to match. Its feathers are light and fluffy, and its wings are spread wide, as if it were challenging the viewer to fly away. The owl is looking off into the distance, though what is beyond our view is uncertain. To bring this bird to life, I would use light earthy shades of brown, gray and white to capture the owl's feathery coat. For the branch, a dark brown with a hint of green would highlight the foliage. To give the page a magical look, I'd finish with a light yellow wash, giving the owl a dreamy aura.