Music is life coloring page

Relaxing coloring pages of cats in various positions, some sleeping plus soothing background music.
This coloring page features a variety of cats in a variety of poses. They all appear peaceful and content, with some of them even lounging in a nap. As you look closer, you can almost hear a soft, gentle tune being played in the background, which surely is adding to the sense of comfort and ease that the cats seem to be feeling. For the coloring page, think about the different colors of fur some of the cats have and highlight them with shading and stippling. Make sure to use softer tones, such as lavender, pink, and light yellow, to create an overall feeling of relaxation. On the other side of the coloring page, use darker tones, such as deep blues and forest greens, to bring out the stripes and markings on some of the cats. For the last bit of the cats, use gray and white to bring out the personalities of each one. Have fun and feel free to be creative with this coloring page!