Kitty coloring page

Kitty is peacefully curled up, white w/light brown patches, eyes closed, resting head on paw. #CatsInTheirNaturalState
This adorable kitty is so sweetly curled up in a ball, with its head resting gently on its paw. Its coat is mainly white, with light brown patches near its paws, ears and tail. Its eyes are closed, and its whiskers are so delicate--it looks to be sleeping peacefully. To color this page, I would suggest adding a soft pastel for the main coat color - possibly a pale blue - and a light gray for the brown patches. Adding a little bit of blush to its cheeks will give the kitty a fresh, contented look. For its eyes, you could use a bright yellow, which will really bring the image to life. Finally, some white accents around the fur, a few light lines near its eyes, and some pale blue stars in the sky will make this a lovely, dreamy illustration.