English children coloring page

Boy & girl side-by-side wearing traditional English attire: boy-brown suit/white shirt/red tie, girl-red dress/white collar/black belt, black shoes.
The boy and girl stand in the center of the coloring page, surrounded by a cheerful summer day. The boy wears a brown suit with a crisp white shirt and a red tie, while the girl is wearing a red dress complete with a white collar and a black belt. Both of them have black shoes with white laces. The sky is a pale, soothing blue and the grass is a bright and cheerful green. To color the clothing, use both rich and subdued shades to give the outfit an extra dimension. The boy's suit should be a deep, dark brown, giving way to red for the tie. The girl's dress should be a warm, traditional red and her collar a soft and slightly muted white. For the shoes, use a mid-toned black to emphasize the contrast between the bright clothing and dark footwear. Finally, use bright greens, blues and yellows to add details to the landscape and bring even more life to the scene.