Russian beauty coloring page

Three beauties stand in line, wearing white dresses with intricate designs; long blonde or light brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin.
On the Russian beauty coloring page, there are three figures dressed in white garments with intricate designs. All of them have bouffants of either blonde or light brown hair, reaching their shoulders and framed with a delightful fringe. Their eyes are a deep ocean blue, offset against their pale skin. In spite of the backdrop of white, their features are clear - they appear around their late teens or early twenties. When coloring this page, try to use light and airy colors to emphasize the beauty of the three figures. Lovely pastels such as powder blues and lilacs hint at their serenity and bring out the ornate details of their dresses. Contrast the whites of their clothing and their skin with shadowed blues and purples in the background to make their faces the center of attention on the page.