Dragon girl coloring page

Young woman on boulder by lake in silver armor and cape with sword & dragon-shaped hilt. Necklace with dragon charm. Green eyes & long purple hair.
This young woman is perched on a large boulder near a serene lake. Her bright green eyes and long, purple hair seem to glow in the moonlight. She is dressed in silver armor adorned with spikes, and a magnificent purple cape billows behind her. She firmly grasps a majestic sword with a dragon-shaped hilt. Around her neck is a small, silver necklace with a dragon charm. To truly captivate this scene, I would recommend painting the lake a dark blue and giving a golden tint to the armor, while using purple and blue hues to give a mystical effect to the cape. The dragon hilt can be painted with a mixture of fiery oranges and reds, while the dragon charm should be glimmering silver. Lastly, the boulder should be painter with a muddled greyish-brown color, in order to emphasize the contrast between the figure and the background.