Adult triceratops coloring page

A triceratops with a large head, three horns, a frill, long tail, and white spots colored brown stands on all fours.
This adult triceratops coloring page is quite stunning! The triceratops has three horns, two on either side of its head and one on its nose. It also has a large frill around its neck giving it an impressive presence. The triceratops stands on all fours and has a long tail and short legs. The colors of the triceratops are a simple brown with white spots. To add life to this coloring page, try adding colors in the frill and around the horns. Make the triceratops look more majestic by using a combination of browns, greens, blues and oranges. Adding details like using pink and green on the horns and frill will give this coloring page a truly unique look.