Dinosaurs have lunch coloring page

Two large, green & yellow-spotted dinosaurs eating in a forest: one eating leaves, the other a smaller dinosaur.
This curious scene in the middle of the forest depicted two giant, green dinosaurs lazily snacking away. The larger one is noshing on leaves from the tall trees, while the smaller one seems to be noshing on a smaller dinosaur! Both dinosaurs have yellow spots scattered across their scaly bodies. To color this image, I would use a bright yellow to highlight the spots on the dinosaurs and a bright green for their bodies. I would also add a soft brown or tan color to the ground and trees to make the scene feel like a natural setting. To truly bring it to life, use a slightly darker green for the trees and a slightly darker brown for the ground to create some contrast. Lastly, a bit of white on the edges of the taller trees could bring the scene even more to life.