Princess coloring page

Little girl in princess dress, tiara, wand & book surrounded by stuffed animals.
The little girl is ensconced in a girlish world of magic, full of regal blues, shimmering silvers, and brilliant purples. She wears a pretty pink and purple dress as she gazes into her open book and imagines the fantastical adventures of far-off kingdoms. Her tiara glitters in the light, and her wand is clutched in her hand. Her stuffed animals have seen many of her adventures - they are both loyal companions and silent guardians of her secrets. To bring this world to life, you could color the dress in pink and lavender hues, while the tiara sparkles in tones of gold and silver. The wand could be a mix of blues and purples, while the stuffed animals, each a unique entity, could be a cheerful rainbow of colors that bring a smile to the face of the little girl.