LOL pet Puppy Heartbreaker coloring page

A small puppy is looking at the camera, its head tilted to one side and its big brown eyes full of love. It has a pink heart drawn on its left cheek.
This sweet little puppy looks so peaceful, curled up on its rug. Its soft, sandy brown fur is dotted with lighter patches and its head is gently bent to the side, looking out with its soulful eyes. A delicately outlined pink heart adorns its cheek, the perfect accent to its loving gaze. When coloring this page, use muted tones to add a feeling of calm. Begin by using a light brown on the puppy's fur and beige for its rug. Next, use a darker brown to create definition and a black to give definition to the heart outline. To bring out the puppy's eyes, use a dark, warm brown or red-brown and highlight with a lighter shade. Finally, use pink to bring the heart to life and complement with tones from the puppy's fur.