LOL Genie (Genie doll) series 2 coloring page

A bright pink genie bottle with two genie dolls in pink and purple outfits surrounded by a printable coloring page. #LOLGenie #ColoringPages
This coloring page is filled with eye-catching colors and imaginative characters. The bright pink genie bottle stands out at the center of the page, and it is decorated with a gold lid, a pink star and a gold base. On the front of the bottle is a white label with the phrase "L.O.L Genie" in black letters. On either side of the genie bottle are two genie dolls, both adorned in pink and purple outfits. To bring this coloring page to life, use electric pink to color the genie bottle, a glossy gold for the lid, star, and base, and a range of blues, purples, and pinks to color the genie's clothing. For the faces and eyes, choose soft white and black respectively to create a contrast to the bright colors elsewhere on the page.