Edna Crabapple coloring page

Edna Crabapple from The Simpsons stands in her dress, smiling widely, holding a sponge. Eyes closed, hair pulled back in a bun.
The coloring page depicts Edna Crabapple from The Simpsons. She is smiling joyfully with her eyes closed and her lips drawn in glee. Her hair is pulled back in a neat bun, and she stands in front of a sink with a yellow sponge in her hand. Her dress is a pristine white color, and she looks serene and pleased with life. To bring the picture to life, you could use bold colors for her hair and dress, and for any other details that you want to make stand out. A yellow sponge will really make the scene pop, as well as adding some nice contrasting colors to the other elements of the picture. If you're feeling bold, you could use a rainbow of colors to show off Edna's cheerful attitude and make the image even more vibrant.