Mod Flanders coloring page

The Simpson family smile in front of a large blue house with a yellow roof and green tree. A red car and white picket fence are also on the property.
In the coloring page, the scene is framed by a white picket fence, with a large blue house with a yellow roof at the center. In the front yard of the house is a tall green tree, and a red car is parked in the driveway. Standing in the front yard is the Simpson family, each with a smile on their face. Ned Flanders stands next to Homer wearing a blue suit, Marge stands next to Ned wearing a purple dress, and Bart is standing in front of Ned and Homer, wearing a orange T-shirt. Finally Lisa stands next to Marge wearing a red dress. When coloring this page, I would recommend a bright, cheerful palette. Blue for the house, yellow for the roof, green for the tree, red for the car and the Simpsons clothing in their respective shades of orange, purple and red. The picket fence could be a subtle white or creamy beige, creating a pleasant contrast with the vibrant colors of the main elements of the page.