Legendary Pokemon Zapdos coloring page

Yellow-feathered, long-beaked pokemon with spiky wings & red eyes, three talons on each foot, and long, forked tail.
This playful Pokemon looks like it's ready for some adventures! With its bright yellow feathers, it's sure to stand out in any situation. Its long, thin beak and red eyes give it an imposing look. Meanwhile, its brown wings and forked tail add to its appeal. Its talons make it perfect for gripping onto just about anything. To bring out its fiery spirit, I would use red, orange, and yellow shades for its plumage. I would use lighter colors to make its white belly feather stand out. Its wings can be in a deep brown, while its beak and feet be in a bright yellow with accents of red. Lastly, its tail can be shaded with yellow and orange, with the tip of its tail a bright red.