Legendary Pokemon Mew coloring page

Mystical pink cat Pokémon with blue eyes, pointy ears, long tail, and four black-pawed legs. #Mew
This whimsical pink creature is the mythical Pokémon, Mew! Its large blue eyes give it an air of innocence, and its small, pointed ears and thin black tail complete its look. It has four small, stubby legs and little black paws which give it an adorable and playful appearance. The vibrant pink of its fur stands out against the brighter, blue hues of its eyes. When coloring Mew, you should enhance the energy of its vibrant fur, opt for a pastel blue for the eyes, and for its ear and tail, a black or grey shade will give it the right depth and contrast. A light yellow could be added to its paws to brighten them. Lastly, outline its fur with a golden yellow, which is sure to bring the Pokémon to life.