Legendary Pokemon Diancie coloring page

Legendary pokemon resembling a pink & white diamond w/ big eyes, small mouth & large jewel. Has four small legs and a long tail.
This beautiful Pokemon is a legendary creature known for its unique appearance. With a pale pink and white body resembling a diamond, this creature has a long neck with big eyes, a small mouth, and a large jewel resting atop its head. Its four short legs and long tail give it a graceful, ethereal energy. When coloring this page, you could try using soft pinks and whites to mimic the diamond-like appearance of the creature. You could also utilize bright blues and purples to bring out the jewel on the Pokemon’s head. Finally, some dark colors along the edges, such as blacks and greys, could add an extra level of detail to the design. With some creativity, this coloring page could be a masterpiece.