Pokemon Sankern (Sunkern) coloring page

A small, yellow Pokemon with big black eyes & 2 leaves on its head. Evolves into Sunflora with Sun Stone exposure.
This playful little Pokemon, Sankern, seems to be bursting with energy! Its bright yellow body looks soft and cheery, and it has two adorable little leaves cycling its head. Those big black eyes seem to be twinkling with excitement! When exposed to a Sun Stone, Sankern can evolve into the beautiful Sunflora. When it comes to choosing how to color this charming Sankern, I think going with a soft yellow would be a wonderful choice! Accents of leafy greens on its leaves and black outlining the eyes could help to bring out the detail even further. Finally, a gentle orange shadowing around its body and leaves could help to give the little Pokemon a more dimensional look. I think adding an inner glow at the center of the Pokemon could signify its inner spark and power, making this an awesome coloring page!