Pokemon Noctowl coloring page

Big blue owl Pokémon w/ white
This large, majestic blue Pokémon resembles an owl, with a distinct white "mask" on its face and bright yellow eyes. It has large, feathered feet with three long toes that are perfect for gripping onto surfaces. Its beak is long and pointed, ready for catching its prey. I would color this Pokémon by using a bright blue pigment to layer its body and wings, emphasizing its majestic qualities. Then, using a lighter white pigment, I would delicately shade the "mask" on its face, ensuring to create subtle tones with the brush for the added texture. Finally, to bring out the yellow of its claws and eyes, I would use a sunny yellow tone to perfectly contrast the blue. All in all, this enchanting blue Pokémon will surely make a statement once it's complete.