Pokemon Omastar coloring page

Omastar is a blue-shelled Pokemon with four tentacles, a small mouth and red eyes.
Omastar is a true sight to behold! Its large blue shell is quite eye catching, with its two larger tentacles at the back and two smaller tentacles in the front adding to its overall dynamic. To complete this image, a small black mouth is visible, with two red eyes that give off a mysterious feel. To bring the best out of this stunning piece of artwork, try a combination strategy. Start by colouring its large blue shell using light and dark shades of blue. For its tentacles and mouth, opt for a darker shade of blue to bring out its dynamic look. Finally, give it red eyes to complete the image. For added depth, use a light shade of red to colour around the eyes to make it more realistic. With the combined strategy, Omastar will be a masterpiece to behold!