Pokemon Skyter (Scyther) coloring page

Scyther, large predator Pokemon, is quick and agile. Has brown wings, scythe-like blades, green skin, and yellow eyes.
This magnificent Pokemon looks like something right out of a fantasy world, with its huge brown wings and blade-like arms. Its vibrant green skin and bright yellow eyes make it look almost sinister, and its lightning-fast speed speaks to its powerful predatory abilities. The best way to color this amazing creature is to use a range of warm and cool hues. Start with a base of calm yet vibrant greens for its reptilian skin, and add sun-kissed yellow around its eyes for a bit of warmth. Its wings can be colored either brown or black to give its a sharp, masked look. For the scythe-like arms, use light and dark shades of gray to emphasize the impressive length and sharpness of the blades.