Pokemon Kingdra (Kingdra) coloring page

Dragon Pokémon Kingdra evolves from Seadra, is blue & has a fin-crown & long neck. Fin-striped body helps it swim fast & strong.
This breathtaking Pokemon Kingdra is a large and majestic creature with a deep blue hue. Its long neck is capped with a stunning crown-like fin, giving it a regal presence. Its slim body is adorned with four elegant fins running down its back, and its snout is tinged with gray. Kingdra is the evolved form of Seadra and is incredibly strong and powerful. To color this majestic creature, use blues and grays to bring out its natural beauty. Using lighter shades of blue and gray can help to create a slight shimmer effect, adding to its overall majesty. Incorporate contrasting colors like whites, blacks, and silvers to make the fins particularly shine. Accents of deeper blues and grays can also help to bring out the Kingdra's majestic form.