Pokemon Exeggutor coloring page

A tall yellow creature with four heads, three eyes, sharp teeth, two long arms and two strong legs, Exeggutor has a long green tail with a brown flower.
The Pokemon Exeggutor is a majestic creature, its vibrant yellow body towering over its surroundings. Its neck is long and thin, and its four small heads, each complete with three red eyes and a sharp toothed grin, are its most iconic feature. Two long, green arms extend from its sides, ending in small three-fingered hands. Its legs are short and powerful, with each ending in a three-toed foot. Its thin, green tail ends in a small, brown flower. To colour this remarkable Pokemon, use bold, contrasting colours for a dramatic effect. Its thick yellow body, long green arms and tail, and short legs should be a bright sunny yellow. Its red eyes should be a deep red, while its flower should be a light brown. Use faded greens and browns, with highlights of white, for the shading and finer details. Finally, its teeth should be a bright white, and its fingernails should be yellow-tinted.