Pokemon Magnemite coloring page

Little, round blue Pokemon w/ red eyes & bolt-shaped mark; its body surrounded by thin, red aura.
This cute little pokemon is the perfect subject for a coloring page! His body appears to be primarily made up of a deep, navy blue colour, while his large, round eyes appear to be a gradient of red, giving them a sparkly glow. Across his face is a distinctive black lightning bolt shape, making him look even more endearing. His presence is also encapsulated by a blazing, red aura that can be seen encircling him and he is sure to be a joy to color! For the eyes, I would start with light red in the center, blending towards darker hues to give them depth, and then lining them in black. For his body, I would use darker blue tones, and for the lightning bolt, colours such as yellow and lightening blue would bring out its design. For the aura I would use several shades of red and orange to create an effect of light coming from within him. Finally, a bright white to finish off the highlights!