Pokémon Golem coloring page

Large, bulky Rock-type Pokémon w/orange & gray body, black diamond on chest, black horns, small red eyes, 2 large teeth, grey tongue, and 3 black claws on hands & feet.
This strange creature appears to be a large, quadrupedal Rock-type Pokémon. Its lower body is an orange shade with black stripes, while its upper body is a light gray color featuring a black diamond marking on its chest. On top of its head are two large black horns, with two small red eyes nestled above them. Its lower jaw features two large protruding teeth, while its tongue is a light gray in color. Its hands and feet each have three black claws, adding to the alien-like look of the Pokémon. To bring this Pokémon to life in color, I would recommend painting the lower body a vibrant golden shade and the upper body a dark gray. I would leave the black diamond marking to stay as a crisp black contrast, and use a light brownish color for the horns. The eyes can be bright red and the tongue light pink to create contrast. The claws should stay black and the teeth can be shaded a light ivory shade to bring them out. Finally, to add a spark of life to the creature, use a silver highlight for a few of the stripes and decorative flourishes on the body.