Pokemon Dagtrio (Dugtrio) coloring page

Cute mole-like Pokemon with orange fur, big eyes, triangular noses, whiskers, yellow spots, & three brown tails.
This coloring page features three orange mole-like Pokemon that appear to be from the Dugtrio family. Their large, expressive eyes express a playful innocence, and their small triangular noses are endearingly cute! These Dugtrios have brown fur, which is somewhat dirtied from the dirt they dig. They have long whisker-like mustaches, three small round yellow spots on their backs, three brown hair-like tails, and small, brown paws. To color this page, I would use light orange, brown and yellow tones to create a soft, warm color palette. I would also use darker tones to outline each character and bring focus to their expressions and details. To bring a bit more dimension to the page and make it more interesting, add some details like adding dirt to the fur and a hint of shine to their beady eyes. Finally, show off their playfulness by adding soft brown highlights to the tails and whiskers.