Pokemon Bounsweet coloring page

Small, round creature w/ tough exterior; deep purple body, small head/mouth, two leaves on back/front, tail long+thin, small, round feet.
This Pokemon is a small and round creature with a tough exterior. Its head is small with striking black eyes and a small mouth. Its body is a deep purple color, and a small green leaf is perched atop its head. Its back has two small, green leaves, and it has a thin, long tail. Two small, green leaves are also located on its front, and its hands and feet are also small and round. If I were to color this picture, I would start by making the body and head of the Pokemon a deep purple shade. I would then make the small leaves on its head and body a light, grassy green. For the eyes, I would use a glossy black shade to make them vibrant. Finally, I would add some highlights of darker purple in certain places on the body and head to bring out additional details in the design.