Pokemon Roulet coloring page

Evan's Pokemon has a blue textured body, white spots, bulbous nose, big sad eyes, two stubby legs and a long tail - looks like it's evolving.
This Evans Pokemon is a deep blue creature with a textured body. It has white spots scattered across it and a big bulbous nose. It has large, sad eyes and stands on two stubby legs. It has an even longer tail than its short frame. This Evans Pokemon appears to be in the midst of an evolution process, perhaps waiting to be revealed as something even more remarkable. When coloring this image, I suggest adding an even layer of blue along its body, with lighter pastel blues to indicate the textured look. Then the white spots can be accented with a little more depth, perhaps a richer white that stands out against the blue. The eyes can be given real life with a few browns and subtle purples, while the nose can be painted in an even pinker hue. And the blue of the body can be given a shade of contrast against the background. Overall, this Evans Pokemon will be a great subject for a creative and thoughtful composition.