Pokemon Luxio coloring page

Pokémon Luxio is a pale blue mammal with dark blue fur, black eyes & nose, and a black tail w/blue tips. Its legs have blue stripes.
The Pokemon Luxio stands tall on a rocky outcrop, lit up by the bright blue of the nearby lake. Its body is a pale blue, with a mane of dark blue around its neck and black eyes to match its black nose crowned by electricity streaming out at the tip of its black tail. Its four legs are banded with narrow stripes of blue and black, contrasting beautifully with the surrounding scenery. To bring out the colors and atmosphere of the scene, try coloring Luxio’s fur a dark, electric blue and its body a striking sky blue. The stripes can be highlighted with a bright aqua, and don’t forget to use a soft yellow on its tail to make the electric globe stand out. Finally, incorporate some of the colors of the landscape, such as dark brown for the rocky outcrop and dark green for a forest beyond the lake. With this combination of colors, the Pokemon Luxio will be a beautiful sight to behold.