The Sith Lord and Darth Maul coloring page

Man in black cape fights a brown-robed man in space; one with red lightsaber, one with blue. #StarWars #ColoringPage
This captivating coloring page features a riveting scene in which a man in a black cape brandishes a terrifying red lightsaber, while his opponent, garbed in a brown robe, brandishes an electric blue lightsaber. The two warriors duel each other amongst the stars in a ship in outer space. To make this image come to life, why not give the background a deep and glorious star-studded expanse in which the two combatants battle? Let the inky blackness of space be a backdrop for the stars, and make the man in the black cape a menacing figure by adding bright and vivid hues to his tattoos and costume. Light blues, reds, and deep oranges will make the combatant's lightsaber blazingly powerful and dangerous. Finally, be sure to bring the man in the robe to life by adding intense and vibrant blues, purples, and teals to the color palette. This scene of fierce duel will be a stunning masterpiece when finished.