Qui-Gon Jinn covers Ani coloring page

Man in brown robe and light scarf wields blue lightsaber with boy, droid nearby. Boy wears white shirt, brown pants. Droid black and white. #StarWars
This coloring page captures an exciting moment between a man and a boy, in a scene straight from a science fiction movie! The man is wearing a brown robe with a light-colored scarf around his neck. He is holding a blue lightsaber in his upraised hand, radiating a powerful energy. Looking at him with a trustful gaze, the boy stands next to him, wearing a white shirt and brown pants. The droid behind them has a black and white circle body. Bring this scene to life with colors and your own creative flair! Start by painting a muted shade of brown for the man’s robe, then add a vibrant and energetic blue for the lightsaber. For the boy’s clothing, try soft, warm colors like cream and beige. Then use shades of grey and white to bring out the droid’s features. Finally, the light-colored scarf can be shaded in shades of yellow and orange to create an eye-catching contrast against the robed figure. Enjoy coloring this page and make it your own!