Space station coloring page

Large space station in center of frame has round main section, several round modules and a bright white light shining from center. Stars in background. #space #astronomy
I see a large and impressive space station filling the frame. The main section is round and has a smaller section attached to its side. Several smaller, round modules are attached to the main section, adding complexity to the overall design. A bright, white light emanates from the center of the station, illuminating the metal hull and making it appear majestic and ethereal. Stars twinkle in the background, adding a beautiful and peaceful touch to the scene. To color this picture, I would recommend the use of metallic paint to capture the shiny metal of the station. A range of blues, purples, and silver could help to create a sense of otherworldliness. To capture the shine of the light and the stars in the background, high-gloss paints or shimmering glitter could be used. Finally, a few touches of pale yellow or pale pink could be added to emphasize the soft light that radiates from the station.