Rune Haako's assistant coloring page

Man in 40s wearing brown suit and blue tie holds blue cube. Dark hair and eyes, slight mustache.
This human man stands tall in a mysterious space, his face illuminated by the shadows of the room. His attire of a dark brown suit and a bold blue tie make him quite the distinguished individual. His dark hair and eyes, and his slight mustache, give him a look of wisdom. He holds a small, blue cube in his right hand, as if he's got a special secret locked inside its walls. To color this page, use darker shades of brown to add depth to the man's suit and a vibrant blue to bring out the boldness of the tie. Adding highlights of bright yellow or white will make the cube he holds stand out, while a darker shade of blue will add a mysteriousness to the scene. To add texture to the page, you could use lighter shades of brown, or even a tan or grey to bring out the details on the man's face.