Totoro and children coloring page

Giant furry creature in forest is visited by 3 happy kids wearing traditional Japanese & Western clothing.
This giant, furry creature with pointy ears and a big, bushy tail is set in a tranquil clearing in the depths of the forest. He has a round, fluffy stomach and short, chubby limbs. At his feet, two little girls and one small boy, all wearing different styles of clothing, look up at him with wonderment in their eyes. The girls have sculpted matching traditional Japanese kimonos and geta sandals, while the boy is dressed in a Western sweater and trousers. This endearing picture of enchantment and joy would be best captured with a harmonious palette of soft hues and gentle aquatic blues. The background can be done with shades of green and brown to represent the trees and soil in the forest with sunset orange and pinkish hues to complete the sky. The fluffy creature can be painted with warm tones of browns and beiges, while the little ones can be adorned in bright, joyful colours of pastel pinks, yellows and blues. Finally, outlining the shapes with black can bring a sense of depth and contrast to the image.